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Over 40 Years Experience Helping People Like You.

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Medical Malpractice

Pursuing Serious Medical Malpractice Claims

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Cherry Hill, NJ Medical Malpractice Attorney

When you are seeking medical treatment, you place your life in the hands of a doctor or nurse. You trust them to make competent decisions regarding your medical care. When a mistake is made, because of either negligence or incompetence, you may feel helpless. If you were seriously injured through medical malpractice, call (856) 665-7140 to speak to a South Jersey attorney at the Law Office of Andrew A. Ballerini.

Pursuing a Serious Medical Malpractice Claim

You hear a lot about how attorneys filing a frivolous medical malpractice lawsuit against doctors drive up the cost of health care. We understand your frustration. Understand that our attorneys take only a lawsuit where someone has been seriously injured by a doctor or other healthcare professional. When we sit down with you during a free initial consultation, we will give you our frank opinion about the merits of your medical malpractice case. We will not take your case unless we believe in it.

When injured by a medical professional’s negligence: Seek medical attention for your injuries first. Then call the Law Office of Andrew A. Ballerini at (856) 665-7140 for free consultation.

Contact New Jersey Medical Malpractice Lawyer

With over 40 years of combined legal experience, we have handled a variety of medical malpractice cases. Have you suffered an injury at the hands of a doctor, nurse, obstetrician, anesthesiologist, dentist, chiropractor, or pharmacist? We have received monetary compensation for people suffering injuries from things like:

Contact Cherry Hill medical malpractice attorney at the Law Office of Andrew A. Ballerini at (856) 665-7140 to schedule a free initial consultation about your medical malpractice lawsuit.

New Jersey Birth Injury Lawyer

A birth injury that happens to a baby during delivery isn’t just heartbreaking. It can leave a lasting impact on the parents, siblings and extended family. A serious birth injury often results in years — even a lifetime — of medical care and treatment expenses. Despite the best health care equipment and knowledge in the world, thousands of babies are needlessly injured during the birth process every year because of negligence or insufficient medical care on the part of the doctors and medical staff. If your baby has suffered a birth injury or wrongful death that was preventable with appropriate medical care, your family is entitled to compensation for financial damages, pain and emotional loss.

The personal injury attorneys of the Law Office of Andrew A. Ballerini in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, have more than 40 years of combined courtroom experience helping victims of prenatal and delivery room malpractice recover money damages for birth injuries. Our successful birth injury lawsuits have helped numerous families recover the money they need to raise a child with birth injuries such as Erb’s palsy, cerebral palsy, shoulder dystocia and other preventable injuries.

We have the technical and professional resources to thoroughly investigate all possible causes of the birth injury and to hold all responsible parties liable for damages.

To prepare the strongest, clearest case possible for money damages, our attorneys go beyond the delivery room and investigate every aspect of prenatal care and hospital procedures that may have contributed to the injury to your baby. Hospital and insurance defense attorneys know that our claim for damages will be airtight and will be taken seriously by a jury if a trial becomes necessary.

Contact us if your baby has suffered a birth injury such as:

  • Cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy
  • Anoxia, hypoxia, oxygen cut off during birth
  • Shoulder dystocia
  • Nerve damage
  • Forceps injury
  • Injuries to the mother

Contact our offices to schedule a no-cost consultation with one of our attorneys today. Our experience and focus on results can make a difference in the outcome of your birth injury lawsuit.

Failure to Diagnose, Misdiagnosis of Cancer

If a doctor fails to diagnose a serious medical condition or prescribes inadequate treatment for a life-threatening disease such as cancer, your life is being put in danger by the very person you are trusting with your health care. It’s as simple as that. Misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose a condition such as cancer, a heart attack or a stroke can mean long-term health problems and even death. Your doctor, surgeon or other healthcare provider may be held liable under the laws of New Jersey and Pennsylvania for failing to provide acceptable treatment in a timely manner.

Knowledge, Experience & Professional Resources

Free consultation about your injuries resulting from a failure to diagnose – No attorney fees if you don’t collect money for your personal injury claim.

The Cherry Hill, New Jersey, Law Office of Andrew A. Ballerini is ready to help you protect your rights. We will stand up to help you fight aggressively for full and fair money damages following an injury resulting from a failure to diagnose and properly treat a medical condition. Our personal injury lawyers have more than 40 years of combined litigation experience helping people obtain maximum compensation for their financial loss, pain and emotional damage resulting from medical negligence.

In addition to our litigation experience and trial skills, we also work closely with expert medical witnesses and specialists to fully investigate treatment timelines, standards of care and procedures used for treatment. Issues such as improper medication and unapproved treatment methods often complicate the litigation. Presenting a clear case for damages is our primary focus.

  • Misdiagnosis of cancer
  • Failure to diagnose a neurological disorder
  • Failure to diagnose and treat heart attack or stroke
  • EMT and emergency room errors
  • Prescription drug errors and defective medical products
  • Surgical and anesthesia errors

Members of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum – Certified Civil Trial Attorneys by the Supreme Court of New Jersey

Contact our offices to schedule a no-cost consultation about your specific injury or wrongful death case involving a failure to diagnose a serious medical condition or misdiagnosis of cancer.

Surgical & Anesthesia Errors

A serious injury from a surgeon’s mistake can result in unnecessary pain, uncovered medical expenses and years of medical treatment. Anytime you go under local or general anesthesia for surgery, you are putting your body and life in the hands of the surgeon and anesthesiologist. There is simply no room for mistakes in the operating room.

Free consultation about your surgery malpractice injury case – No attorney fees unless you collect money for your personal injury claim.

If you have suffered an injury or have lost a loved one due to surgery malpractice, you are entitled to fight for full and fair money compensation for your injuries. At the Law Office of Andrew A. Ballerini in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, personal injury litigation is our entire focus. Our lawyers have more than 40 years of combined surgery malpractice experience, helping victims of medical malpractice to recover the money they need for lost income, medical treatment and pain that resulted from negligence.

We have the resources to prepare and present the strongest medical negligence lawsuits possible. We are proud of our history of full and fair settlements and jury awards for surgical error lawsuits.

We have helped people recover money damages for surgical errors and anesthesia mistakes such as:

  • Injury from laparoscopic surgery
  • Bariatric obesity surgery resulting in wrongful death or injury
  • Excessive anesthesia, insufficient anesthesia
  • Improper or unnecessary back surgery
  • Carpal tunnel surgical errors
  • Failed eye surgery, Lasik surgery mistakes
  • Inappropriate post-surgical care, improper medications
  • Defective medicines or medical devices
  • Failure to diagnose the patient’s medical condition
  • Birth injuries from surgical errors

Contact our offices in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, to discuss your surgery malpractice case. We represent injury and wrongful death victims throughout New Jersey.

Call For a FREE Case Evaluation

(856) 665-7140

Tell Us About Your Case

Call (856) 665-7140 to speak with one of our attorneys about your case. Or email us using the form below to schedule a free consultation about your personal injury case.