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Over 40 Years Experience Helping People Like You.

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(856) 665-7140

Construction Injuries

Experienced Construction Site Accident Lawyers in New Jersey

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Cherry Hill Construction Accident Lawyers

Workers at construction sites face a host of dangerous working conditions because of careless and negligent contractors and employers. In attempts to cut corners, employers often place the safety of their employees and the public in jeopardy. If you were hurt at work, call a construction accident lawyer at the Cherry Hill, New Jersey, Law Office of Andrew A. Ballerini at 856-665-7140.

Experienced Construction Site Accident Lawyer

If you were seriously injured at a construction site, our team of attorneys with thirty years of combined legal experience can help. Not only do we have years of experience to back up your case, we are also Certified Civil Trial Attorneys by the Supreme Court of New Jersey. This means we have demonstrated exceptional skill and competency in civil litigation. When seeking money to pay your medical bills, you want a construction accident lawyer with a proven track record of accomplishment.

Many Causes of Construction Accidents

You understood that working as a construction worker could be a dangerous job. Not only are you exposed to nature’s elements, you are also exposed to powerful and dangerous power tools. At the Law Office of Andrew A. Ballerini, we have represented people injured in a variety of ways, including:

  • Scaffolding accident
  • Ladder Injury
  • Roof accident
  • Explosion, fire, and collapse
  • Defective product
  • Electrocution
  • Fork lift accident
  • Bulldozer, Backhoe, and Crane Accidents
  • Welding accident
  • Collapsed roofs, ceilings, walls, and floors
  • Chemical Burns
  • Toxic Exposure

Ladder & Scaffolding Injuries

Every year, many thousands of hardworking construction workers are needlessly injured in falls from ladders and scaffolding because of defective equipment, improper installation or poor site preparation. Construction accidents are the nation’s number one cause of workplace injuries. The most serious construction injuries can mean that you may never work again.

Cherry Hill Construction Accident LawyersIf you’ve been injured in a fall on a construction site, you owe it to yourself and your family to meet with an experienced personal injury attorney before you accept workers’ compensation or an insurance settlement.

Free consultation about your ladder or scaffolding fall construction accident – No attorney fees unless you collect money for your personal injury claim.

The Law Office of Andrew A. Ballerini in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, offers experienced, aggressive representation to help you recover full and fair money damages for your injuries. When our lawyers prepare your case, they don’t stop at the immediate cause of the fall. Ladder and scaffolding injuries often include product liability as well as premises liability issues. Property owners, subcontractors and construction company management may all share in the legal liability for your injuries. We have the professional experience and independent resources to investigate beneath the surface of your accident. Our goal is always to present the clearest, strongest case possible for a maximum settlement or jury award. Our success speaks for itself.

  • Head injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Wrongful death
  • Fractures, broken bones

Construction Vehicle Accidents

Construction sites are busy and often confusing places, and every precaution must be taken to ensure that workers are protected. Driving or working around large construction vehicles such as cranes, dump trucks and earthmovers shouldn’t mean that other workers, subcontractors and property owners can ignore your safety. If you have suffered a construction site injury involving a vehicle, there may be one or more parties liable for your injuries.

Free consultation about your construction site injury case – No attorney fees unless you collect money for your personal injury claim.

The Law Office of Andrew A. Ballerini in Cherry Hills, New Jersey, provides experienced, knowledgeable legal representation for victims of construction site injuries involving inattentive or careless truck drivers, lack of supervision or defective equipment. We are not a workers’ compensation law firm, but we can work closely with your workers’ comp lawyer to help you recover maximum damages from product manufacturers or premises owners who may be held directly liable for your loss of income, medical bills and pain. Before you accept workers’ compensation or an insurance settlement for your injury or wrongful death claim, you owe it to yourself to talk to an experienced construction site injury lawsuit attorney. When you need aggressive representation to help you recover maximum money damages, we are ready to help.

We help construction site injury victims recover money for serious injuries suffered in accidents involving:

  • Backhoes
  • Dump trucks
  • Construction cranes
  • Road graders
  • Earthmovers
  • Material conveyors

Contact our offices to schedule a free consultation at your hospital room or home. We are here to help you recover the money you deserve for your injuries.

Contact Cherry Hill Construction Accident Lawyers

If you work for a careless employer or were injured by a negligent sub-contractor, you deserve compensation to pay for your medical bills, pain and suffering damages, and lost wages. To find out how much you can recover for a construction site accident, contact the Law Office of Andrew A. Ballerini at (856) 665-7140 to schedule a free construction injury case consultation with one of our experienced lawyers.

Call For a FREE Case Evaluation

(856) 665-7140

Tell Us About Your Case

Call (856) 665-7140 to speak with one of our attorneys about your case. Or email us using the form below to schedule a free consultation about your personal injury case.